
艾迪奖, 一年一度的庆祝杜瓦尔县优秀教师的活动, is a time-honored tradition that has grown into its new mission to elevate the role of Jacksonville's best teachers.





3月12日,约瑟夫·弗兰克尔被评为2014年佛罗里达州蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师, 2014年 第23届年度EDDY大奖. 弗兰克尔是大西洋海岸高中的一名数学老师,她从五名优秀入围者中脱颖而出.

Frencl, 谁曾在其他年份入围年度最佳教师, was recognized as an outstanding educator who sees building relationships with his students as a key factor in his success. 理解数学可能很可怕, 他的突出之处在于,他甚至让高级微积分变得相关而有趣. 弗朗克和他的学生们唱着二次公式之歌, 背诵分解两个立方体的和和差的方法, 讲一些老套的数学笑话,在圆周率日的庆祝活动中被“派”脸.

他的学生的成功说明了一切. 自1999-2000学年起, 90%的法国大学AP微积分学生通过了AP微积分测试,34%的学生得了5分, 可能的最高分.

作为佛罗里达蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师, 弗朗克将继续争夺全州冠军.

“年度最佳教师”项目是由两所大学联合创办的 bwin时时彩平台 和 舒尔茨教学与领导中心不仅仅是一天的庆祝. 它包括富国银行卓越教学系列研讨会, which will make the best practices and live classroom demonstration of eight outstanding 年度教师奖 accessible to all teachers in Duval County. The Rotary Clubs of Duval County - the organization that founded the EDDY Awards tradition - provides individual cash awards and establishes five funds at the bwin时时彩平台 for each of the finalists to use for a project at their school.


“今晚在艾迪奖上获奖的杰出教育工作者鼓舞了整个社区,”他说, bwin时时彩平台会主席. "We look forward to all of the great things that teacher leaders throughout Duval County will do in the coming year."

就像每一位年度教师一样, Frencl will join the bwin时时彩平台 董事会 as an ex-officio member for the next year until the 2015 Teacher of the Year is named.

“专家老师知道如何通过他们的关心和他们的手艺来影响所有的学生, 提升专业水平,创造学习文化. 祝贺你!舒尔茨中心的总裁兼首席执行官Deborah Gianoulis Heald说.

"It is an honor to recognize the exceptional work of the educators recognized through the EDDY awards and all of the educators throughout our district,”医生说。. 尼古拉P. 维蒂,杜瓦尔县公立学校的负责人. “教师在学生的教育和生活中扮演着巨大的角色. 我们学区已经看到并将继续看到学生们创纪录的成绩所带来的历史性成功. 这些成就无疑要归功于勤奋, 我们的教育工作者始终如一的辛勤工作."

先生的标志. 法国人的公告栏上写着“我们正在建设一种伟大的文化." He begins every year with the belief that all of his students will pass the AP Calculus exam and he works to ensure that each of his students has the same faith in their own ability.

"Mr. Frencl...他是精英中的精英,我将永远感激他的教导和支持."




  • 范德比尔特大学硕士
  • 学士,坎伯兰学院


  • AP考试读本
  • 指导老师
  • 领导基于地区的AP微积分专业学习社区
  • 领导和组织地区微积分训练营
  • 2000年AP微积分考试通过率100%,获得区领导表彰




在新闻学院读书时. 戴尔最喜欢的文章都是关于教育的. 在对当地社区大学的一个教育工作者项目进行研究并撰写了相关文章后,她开始着手研究. 戴尔决定从事数学教师的职业.

Ms. Dyal found the work challenging and it wasn't until she engaged her students as active participants in their learning that she began to see success. 她总是问孩子们“为什么”?" She asks them to explain their answers and provides opportunities for her students to engage in meaningful conversations about math concepts. Ms. 戴尔明白,有可实现目标的学生会为此努力学习. 

她每天使用PowerPoint将科技融入到教学中, 互动数学操作和视频和音频剪辑. 她鼓励学生积极参与,并鼓励学生提前完成作业, 他们会成为帮助别人的人,向那些可能有困难的同龄人解释概念. 这为帮助者提供了丰富的内容,并为那些需要额外支持的人提供了补救.

2012年,. Dyal was invited to take part in a pilot program called the Newcomers' Program designed for students in their first two years in the United States. 在她的第一堂课上. Dyal had a student from Africa who had never been to school and didn't understand any English and a student from Italy who had limited English skills but was two years ahead of his American peers in math. 她努力与每个学生建立关系. 在进一步了解他们每个人的过程中. 戴尔能够设计教学计划. Ms. Dyal说这个学年是她教过的六个学年中最喜欢的.

"Ms. Dyal is a highly engaged and thoughtful individual who brings a desire to improve herself as well as those around her."

Zeina Khanachet



  • 杜鲁门州立大学文学学士


  • 6-12年级数学认证,5-9年级中学数学认证,K-6初等教育认证
  • 考试背书


西景K - 8

在她教学生涯的头十年里. 冯·艾夫在一间特殊教育教室里和“普通”高中生一起教书. 这些学生和他们的同龄人没有太大的不同. In 2010 she moved to 西景K - 8 and in 2011 was asked to teach in a class of Participatory Level Academic (PLA) students.

解放军的教室不同于其他教室. Ms. 冯·艾夫全天负责满足学生的所有需求. 她不仅是一位老师,还是一位养育者、出租车司机、看护人、厨师、顾问和朋友. 她的学生的成功并不总是用考试来衡量的,尽管最终,她的老师. 冯·艾夫的目标是让她的学生成为自信的学习者. 她努力激发他们的好奇心,促进交流. 她说她最大的成就之一是教会一个孩子自己做早餐. 这个学生花了整整一年的时间才掌握了这项技能, 但她父亲脸上的表情是无价的,而他的女儿, 不会说话的人, 为她的成就感到骄傲.

Ms. 冯·艾夫确保每一项成就,无论大小,都得到庆祝和奖励. 她教导她的学生以决心和信心面对每一个障碍. Ms. von Eiff remains focused on her purpose and describes herself as driven by the following quote from Kate Bornstein; "Let's stop 'tolerating' or 'accepting' difference, 好像我们一开始就不不同就会好很多似的. 相反,让我们庆祝这个世界上的不同,因为与众不同需要很大的勇气."

通过她的热情、努力和周密的计划,她成功了. 冯·艾夫的学生在所有学术领域都很出色. 她的奉献精神为她的学生提供了体验和实现个人最佳的机会."

贝弗利L. 沃克



  • 佛罗里达大学特殊教育文学学士
  • 杰克逊维尔佛罗里达社区学院艺术副学士


  • 最佳伙伴
  • 大连理工大学教师代表
  • 学生会、执行委员会发起人
  • 埃德·怀特小姐
  • 保龄球助理教练,门户和地区会议冠军

虹膜B. 卡罗


聋哑和重听(D/HH)学生的教师不仅仅是一个特殊教育教师. Ms. 卡罗 teaches all subjects in a multi-level classroom; she teaches primary and secondary language; she is an interpreter, 辅导员, 辩护人和调解人. 她的学生因为听力损失而错过了语言习得的关键时期. 许多人来的时候没有交流方式或语言. Teaching students the use of a primary language (ASL) with the combination of the acquisition of the secondary language (English) becomes the main objective.

Ms. 卡罗 explains that the factors that impact success for students without hearing loss are the same as those for students with hearing loss; early intervention and parent involvement. Ms. 卡罗's instruction is designed for students who often have not communicated at all at home because parents have not learned American Sign Language, 孩子唯一的交流方式. 一旦女士. 卡罗建立语言, 即使是以前不存在的中等水平的交流也为学习打开了大门. 语言习得不仅能提高学业成绩, 而是促进社会和发展的增长. Ms. 卡罗's ultimate goal is for her students to leave her self-contained classroom and move to a mainstream classroom.

She works to inspire educators to raise the bar for students with hearing loss and to encourage them to maintain high expectations.

Ms. 卡罗 identifies closely with her students as she came to the United States without knowing the language or understanding much of the culture. 比如她的学生, 她能够在社交上学习和成长, 在情感上, 专业和个人. It is her desire to be a leader who leaves a legacy of inspiration for students of all levels to believe that we are all born with a unique potential to realize our dreams.

"Ms. 卡罗一直是(我们孩子的)导师、激励者、倡导者和他的粉丝. 她有很多话要说. 卡罗是一个人,也是一个老师,但我只想说她是天赐之物."




  • 教育硕士-特殊教育和特殊学生:聋人教育方向, 北佛罗里达大学
  • 北佛罗里达大学教育文学学士-特殊教育
  • 杰克逊维尔佛罗里达社区学院艺术副学士


  • 流利的英语,西班牙语,美国手语
  • 2012年团队精神奖
  • 当选2012 - 2013年度学校发展计划委员会委员
  • 聋人及听障人士谘询委员会委员

卡罗尔·L. 莱特

Mt. 赫尔曼卓越中心

Ms. 莱特 is in her 35th and final year as a public education teacher and feels especially thankful that she is ending her career doing what she loves most, 对有严重残疾的学生进行动手教学. Her career has been based on a foundation of three principles: every student deserves the best she has to give everyday; all of us, 无论能力如何, 残疾, 工资等级或职称都有责任参与, take responsibility for and contribute to life; and everybody needs to "pay it forward."

Ms. 莱特 designs time in her classroom so that students have as many opportunities as possible to participate in real life functional tasks requiring personal responsibility, 认识到他们是更大的社区的一部分, 解决问题, 做选择, 都是为了发现他们的能力. All of this work is framed by an attitude of respect for our students as people/adults who have value and who are in need of our help to discover who they are.

当她到达山. 校长赫尔曼(Herman)责成她. 赖特正在为高中毕业后的过渡项目开发一个模范教室. Within two months she created a fully functional vocational enterprise program which she continues to expand and develop. Ms. 莱特's expertise continues to inform educators at UNF 和 Center for Autism 研究 and Development among others.

Ms. 在她最后一年的教学生涯中,赖特继续“把爱传递出去”. She sees herself and all teachers as the gatekeepers of the opportunities that public education provides for all our children. 帮助她的同事成为更好的老师是她的义务, 她的学生学到的东西可能会改善他们的生活,或者只是让别人的一天更好一点.

“我很难过她要退休了,因为她是一位如此伟大的老师, 朋友和家外之家的父母,不仅爱和关心我的女儿,也关心她教的所有孩子."




  • 博士,佛罗里达大学
  • 北佛罗里达大学医学特殊教育专业
  • 北佛罗里达大学体育学士学位


  • 自闭症研究与发展中心:模范教室网站
  • 特奥协调员及特奥地区委员会委员
  • 委员会认证
  • 大量在职培训和演讲




